Frontwheel Games

Design Concept

2003 — 2007

Frontwheel Games Ltd was established with the primary aim of developing innovative ideas in computer gaming.

The concept took the form of a soundproof gaming pod modelled on the 'Listening Pod' from my Major Project at Kingston University for use in a large gaming/retail environment in order to attract non-gamers to interact with and purchase current gaming hardware and encourage greater footfall in stores.

I presented the concept to Business Link who supported me in developing the idea with the help of a Business Mentor and I eventually put forward a proposal to HMV and Virgin Records.

Because of the speed of technological advances, primarily console hardware incorporating motion sensing technology (Xbox Kinect, Playstation Move, Nintendo Wii), the concept then moved into incorporating these advances by turning the internal walls of the pod into a screen.

*3D visualisation below by Live Vision Studios London.


3D Visualisation